Keeping kids safe.
Keeping families together.

Smokin’ Barrel Benefit

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Join us to indulge in a night of refined spirits and philanthropy at our Smokin’ Barrel Bourbon Tasting Benefit at Copper Ridge. We will be tasting Bourbon and Whisky from over ten different vendors throughout the night while enjoying live music, a delightful grazing table, photo booth, and wine pull. Additional food and a cash bar will be available for those who need more than just a taste.

Ticket Options:

VIP $75: Includes commemorative items featuring Kymari House logo and two drink tickets during event.

GA $50: Includes bourbon tasting and meal during event.

Thank You to Our 2025 Smokin’ Barrel Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Rock Glass Sponsor

Community Champion Sponsors

Child Advocate Sponsors

Kymari House Supporters

Dow Smith Company

Lisa Deal- First Bank

Friends of Kymari House

Simply Southern Sweets

Andra Helton, Affiliate Broker, John Jones Real Estate

Teb Batey

Who We Are

Kymari House is a safe, conflict-free environment where children and parents can be together when the family structure is challenged.

No matter what causes a family to break apart, we believe children have a right to a relationship with their parents.

Front view of Kymari House.

Kymari House, providing excellence in children’s services since 2012.

What We Do

Kymari House provides connection and security to vulnerable children through supervised visitation and family resilience services.

  • "Thank you for the blessing you are to my boys and myself, and know that we feel safe under your guidance. It is a peace we have not felt in a number of years."

    Anonymous Parent

  • "It was a chance for me to focus on my son without any of the stress. I feel like I know him better than I ever have, and I'm a better mother for doing this."

    Anonymous Parent

  • "I love how the monitors are present, but let me have my time with my children. When they do interact with my children, it's with love and excitement."

    Anonymous Parent

  • "On our way to see our kids 😉 I can't wait!!!! Thank God for Kymari House. Such a wonderful BLESSING!"

    Anonymous Parent

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